Half a Loaf – TechCrunch

When Salesforce announced its Salesforce + streaming platform, Paul Greenberg and Brent Leary of CRM Playaz interviewed Colin Fleming, SVP of Global Brand Experiences for the CRM firm (disclosure: I work at Salesforce). I later asked Brent about his show on that episode of the gang.

Brent: With all the things that privacy and cookies do away with, companies need to find a way to get third-party data first, but first-party data.
Ich: Can you describe the difference?
Well a third party, you go to a website and that website has partners that you have nothing to do with and all of a sudden you land on a website and the next thing you know, you might get hit by an ad or an e- Mail from a company you didn’t even expect, with which you have no relationship. But this company has a relationship with the website owner. All of these things, all of these interactions, or those annoying interruptions to your day due to ads and notifications you receive, are not because you had a direct relationship but ended up on a website that has potentially thousands of relationships with other companies that You want to attack.
And that is the method of third party cookies. Well that will go away. And one of the things that [Fleming] It was suggested that Salesforce wants to create great content so they can build a one-to-one relationship rather than relying on traditional third-party backroom deals. And I thought that was really great. I was really excited to hear this part of it because I think it’s another way to force people to break away from this third-party stuff and be more direct about what their intentions are and what they’re trying to do .

I asked Keith Teare how quickly third-party data is going to go away.

Keith: Well, it’s already starting to go away because Apple’s implementation on iOS is blocking things. Microsoft’s browser [market share] is pretty small these days, but it also blocks things. So you’re moving from these shared pools, data lakes, to what you might more likely call Walled Garden data, i.e. first-person data. Organizations can no longer rely on targeting over the network unless they know and then can do the users themselves.
That leads to this big question: what’s the right balance between content marketing (which I think Salesforce does), where you have a direct audience, and advertising where you pay someone to run an ad? ? Ad targeting will deteriorate and content marketing, which can be thought of as earned media – that is, working to get attention – will increase. So this is really a pretty important shot in the arm of what some people call the creator economy, and extending it to business. Every company has to become a creator in this world.

Denis Pombriant added:

Denis: I read an interesting report this week. It was the seventh edition of the Salesforce Marketing Survey. The first half was very positive about the use of new technology to support work from anywhere and a variety of other things that take you away from the office. But the second part contained some very interesting data on where companies are investing in new marketing. In about a dozen categories, there were no more than 50 percent responses in any one category. Basically we say yes, we invest enough or we are actively pursuing it. The conclusion I draw from this is that whatever we seem to be doing to be tech savvy on the internet and targeting clients and colleagues and cohorts or whatever is being delayed and delayed a bit until companies get into the skills and the staff are investing to support some of the new things like content development, audio content development, video content development, AI and some other things.

I think thats right. It is not a question of whether there is a creator economy or not. The investments made by vendors, while significant and market-creating, depend on the market expanding beyond its roots. Blogs and podcasts began as an extension of mainstream media, but failed when readers and listeners switched to social authority as a measure of credibility. Newsletters and livecasting suffer when the ad hoc value proposition becomes too similar to the mainstream media it hopes to replace. Instead, we turn the mute on and eventually escape into fictional stories in which good triumphs over evil, or vice versa.

The Creator Economy has spawned a kind of variety show where talent gushes to feed a hungry niche. Real success comes when that consensus on what is right for the emotional center mitigates the extremes of partisan groups and the controversy that fuels the current mainstream model. The negotiations with Rachel Maddow and the cumbersome infrastructure deals suggest that the success will be moderate. Maddow is moving towards a weekly show with yet-to-be-defined spin-offs from the creators, and Congress is developing a half-loaf plus a small legislative strategy to break an unattainable agenda down into small achievements loosely connected. Not too left, not too right, but enough to repel the attack on electoral rights while protecting the center. Half a bread is better than nothing.

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The Gillmor Gang – Frank Radice, Michael Markman, Keith Teare, Denis Pombriant, Brent Leary and Steve Gillmor. Recorded live on Friday, August 13th, 2021.

Produced and directed by Tina Chase Gillmor @tinagillmor

@fradice, @mickeleh, @denispombriant, @kteare, @brentleary, @stevegillmor, @gillmorgang

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