Book excerpt: What makes a great startup idea? Lessons from a veteran entrepreneur

Book excerpt: What makes a great startup idea? Lessons from a veteran entrepreneur

Shirish Nadkarni. Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from a new book written by Shirish Nadkarni, a Seattle tech veteran who co-founded Livemocha (acquired by RosettaStone) and TeamOn (acquired by BlackBerry). You think you have come up with a brilliant idea for your startup. You have spoken to your friends and colleagues, and they … Read more

Book Excerpt: Why trust, not data, has become the most important asset in the modern economy

Book Excerpt: Why trust, not data, has become the most important asset in the modern economy

[Editor’s Note: Stein Broeder, a marketing executive at Microsoft, explores the components and value of trust in the new book, “The Business of Trust: How Experiences Build Trust and Drive Business Impact” Excerpt published with permission.] “Do you trust me?” This was a question a surgeon asked me once before an operation. I thought that was a fun question. … Read more