Warner Bros. roils game industry with patent on Nemesis gameplay mechanic by Kirkland’s Monolith

Warner Bros. roils game industry with patent on Nemesis gameplay mechanic by Kirkland’s Monolith

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. (WB press picture) Analysis: Warner Brothers has received a US patent for the Nemesis system, the signature mechanics of two successful video games in the universe of Lord of the Rings. WB’s patent for the Nemesis System # US20160279522A1 is listed as “Nemesis Characters, Nemesis Forts, Social Vendettes, and Followers in … Read more

Kuaishou, TikTok’s Chinese nemesis, surges 194% on IPO debut – TechCrunch

Kuaishou, TikTok’s Chinese nemesis, surges 194% on IPO debut – TechCrunch

Kuaishou, a Chinese video app largely underrated outside of China, has just completed a massive IPO in Hong Kong. The app is by far the biggest rival to Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, and unlike many western video platforms that make money from ads and subscriptions, Kuaishou’s Cash Cow is the tipping business. Kuaishou’s … Read more