Washington state regulators say Amazon’s workflow and pace injures warehouse workers

Washington state regulators say Amazon’s workflow and pace injures warehouse workers

(Amazon photo) Washington state regulators punished and admonished Amazon for relentlessly pressuring workers at its Dupont, Washington fulfillment center to result in workplace injuries. In addition, the company was cited for failing to implement its own ergonomic plans. According to the state Department of Labor and Industry quote, Amazon managers at the DuPont warehouse “have … Read more

Vaccination pace may be slowing; paid time off for shots

Vaccination pace may be slowing; paid time off for shots

The pace of vaccination in the United States could slow as vaccine hesitation increases. About 1.8 million vaccine stings were reported on Tuesday, the lowest number in two weeks. Part of the decline could be due to availability caused by a break in Johnson & Johnson cans. However, demand has declined at some vaccination sites … Read more