More than 99.99% of fully vaccinated people have not had a severe breakthrough case of Covid-19

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As the coronavirus pandemic continues, lambda infections have emerged in the United States, including Texas, where the Houston Methodist Hospital reported its first case last month. There’s still a lot to learn about Lambda, but here’s what we know so far: So far it is rare in the US: The variant is nowhere near as … Read more

Why Vaccinated People Are Getting ‘Breakthrough’ Infections

Why Vaccinated People Are Getting ‘Breakthrough’ Infections

Whether a vaccinated person ever becomes infected may depend on how high the antibodies are after vaccination, how strong these antibodies are against the variant, and whether the antibody level in the person’s blood has decreased since vaccination. In any case, the immune defense prepared by the vaccines should recognize the virus soon after infection … Read more

CRISPR gene editing breakthrough could treat many more diseases

Jon Fingas

CRISPR gene editing already promises to fight diseases that were once considered invulnerable, but previously the tools had to be injected directly into the affected cells. This is not very practical for some conditions. However, there was just a breakthrough. NPR reports that researchers have released results showing that you can inject CRISPR-Cas9 into the … Read more