Alibaba hit with $2.8 billion fine in China antitrust case

Mariella Moon

Chinese authorities fined Alibaba $ 2.8 billion after closing an antitrust investigation into alleged monopoly practices. The state market regulator launched an investigation in December into the e-commerce giant’s “suspected monopoly behavior”, particularly its policy of forcing merchants to sell exclusively on their platforms and preventing them from selling on competing e-commerce websites for sale. … Read more

Tylenol, Advil ‘perfectly fine’ – after getting vaccine

Tylenol, Advil 'perfectly fine' – after getting vaccine

Avoid pain medication before getting the COVID-19 vaccine, but they are “perfectly fine” according to experts Headache, fever, body aches and chills. While these are perfectly normal side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine – and a good sign that your immune system is working – they can be uncomfortable. To minimize the discomfort, some Americans … Read more