Today in History for July 12

Northern California wildfires force evacuations

Highlights of this day in history: Julius Caesar born; Walter Mondale names Geraldine Ferraro the first woman to run for the White House on a major party ticket; Boris Yeltsin resigns from the CPSU; Born comedian Bill Cosby. (July 12)

Today in History for July 4th

Northern California wildfires force evacuations

Highlights of This Day in History: America’s Declaration of Independence; Former Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson die the same day; Israel’s invasion of Entebbe; West Point opens; Lou Gehrig’s departure from baseball; Neil Simon born. (4th of July)

Astronomy professor Emily Levesque looks out at massive stars and back at history of her profession

Astronomy professor Emily Levesque looks out at massive stars and back at history of her profession

Emily Levesque an Bord von NASAs SOFIA, dem Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, das im Grunde ein fliegendes Teleskopflugzeug ist, das aus einem Infrarotteleskop besteht, das in einer speziell modifizierten Boeing 747 eingebaut ist. Das Flugzeug soll in die Stratosphäre fliegen und dann seine Hecktür öffnen and während des Fluges, damit das Teleskop in großen … Read more