Tornado warning system has come a long way, but it could be better

Tornado warning system has come a long way, but it could be better

Ein Foto vom 21. März 1925 von einem umgestürzten Haus, das von einem Tornado in Griffin, Indiana, mehr als 15 Meter von seinem Fundament getragen wurde. Von den 400 Einwohnern der Stadt gab es 54 Tote und etwa 200 Verletzte.VERBUNDENE PRESSE Die monströsen Tornados, die an einem einzigen Tag im Jahr 1925 fast 750 Menschen … Read more

Chinese rocket Long March 5B hurtling back to Earth may hit Saturday

Chinese rocket Long March 5B hurtling back to Earth may hit Saturday

A huge section of a Chinese Long March 5B rocket is falling back to Earth, and debris can land sometime on Saturday night or later – if the rocket doesn’t burn on the way down. According to calculations by Aerospace Corporation, a California-based nonprofit group that operates a space research and development center, the rocket … Read more

Microsoft cut carbon emissions 6% last year, predicts climate investments will pay off in long run

Microsoft cut carbon emissions 6% last year, predicts climate investments will pay off in long run

A quiet Microsoft campus during the COVID-19 pandemic. (GeekWire Photo / Todd Bishop) In the first year since aiming to go carbon negative by 2030, Microsoft announced Thursday that it had reduced its carbon footprint by 6% from 11.6 million tons to 10.9 million tons. It was also paid to remove an additional 1.3 million … Read more