Video shows boy taken from bed

Dallas police and members of the FBI are investigating the scene near the location where a toddler was found dead with multiple wounds in the Mountain Creek area of ​​Dallas on Saturday, May 15, 2021.  (Juan Figueroa / The Dallas Morning News via AP)

About two hours before a 4-year-old was found on a neighborhood street in Dallas, a man lifted the sleeping boy out of his bed and carried him away. The boy, whom the authorities identified as Cash Gernon on Monday, was cared for by Cash’s father’s girlfriend, according to the authorities. The friend, who said Cash’s … Read more

Chicago police fatally shoot boy, 13; officer on administrative duty

Chicago Supt. David Brown speaks to journalists on March 20, 2021.

CHICAGO – A Chicago police officer was transferred to administrative service after he shot and killed a teenage boy in what an officer described as an “armed confrontation”. The boy was Adam Toledo, who, according to the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office, died of murder from a gunshot wound to the chest. Toledo, who was … Read more