Taliban Claim Control Over Panjshir Valley, but Resistance Vows to Fight On

Taliban Claim Control Over Panjshir Valley, but Resistance Vows to Fight On

The Taliban on Monday claimed to have conquered the Panjshir Valley and hoisted their flag over the last uncontrolled Afghan provincial capital, while representatives of the opposition forces there said they would continue fighting from the mountains. If the Taliban manage to keep Panjshir under control, it would be a symbolic keystone for the group’s … Read more

China proposes strict control of algorithms – TechCrunch

China proposes strict control of algorithms – TechCrunch

China has not finished curbing the impact of local internet services on the world’s most populous market. After an increasing series of regulatory raids in recent months, the nation released draft guidelines on Friday regulating the algorithms that companies run to provide referrals to users. In a 30-point draft guideline published on Friday, the Cyberspace … Read more

FDA clears Natural Cycles birth control app for use with wearables

Igor Bonifacic

As of 2018, an app called Natural Cycles has enabled women to track their temperature and menstrual cycle to know if they are fertile. During this time, the app usage process has not changed significantly. Every morning when you wake up you will be asked to take your temperature with a basal thermometer and record … Read more

Biden’s A.T.F. Nominee Faces Senate Panel and Questions on Gun Control: Live Updates

Biden’s A.T.F. Nominee Faces Senate Panel and Questions on Gun Control: Live Updates

Here’s what you need to know: Video transcript Back transcript Biden’s A.T.F. Pick Reiterates Support for AR-15 Restrictions David Chipman, President Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, announced his support for a proposed ban on AR-15-style rifles during his Senate confirmation hearing Wednesday. “The leadership positions I held at … Read more

Google pulls Element’s Android chat app over content it doesn’t control

Google pulls Element's Android chat app over content it doesn't control

We asked Google for a comment. While the option to sideload the app will soften the blow, it won’t exactly excite the community. Several governments (including the US, UK, France and Germany) use Element and the Matrix network alongside universities and businesses. Losing easy access to the app can be a significant hassle. The move … Read more